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伊士曼 Eastman CAB 500-5 可形成相对柔韧的涂膜

  • 发布日期:2020-09-25 13:25
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 聚氨酯区域:全国
  • 浏览次数184
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 伊士曼 Eastman CAB 500-5 可形成相对柔韧的涂膜。适用于皮革涂料,在聚氨酯涂料中用作流动调节剂


生产商 商品名 类型 牌号 特性
伊士曼 Eastman CAB 500-5 可形成相对柔韧的涂膜。适用于皮革涂料,在聚氨酯涂料中用作流动调节剂







Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate(CAB)



英文名称:Cellulose acetate butyrate,简称CAB


用于制作高透明度、耐候性好的塑料片基、薄膜和各种涂料的流平剂、成膜物质等。CAB[3]  的分子中除羟基、乙酰基外还含有丁酰基,其性能与三种基团的含量有关。熔点和拉伸强度随乙酰基含量增高而变大,与增塑剂的相容性和薄膜的柔性在一定范围内随乙酰基含量降低而增加。羟基含量增加促进其在极性溶剂中的溶解度。丁酰基含量增加则使其密度降低,溶解范围扩大。含乙酰基12%~15%,丁酰基26%~29%。透明或不透明粒料,质坚韧,耐候及耐寒性好。熔融温度140℃。密度1.15~1.22g/cm3。拉伸强度14~52MPa,弯曲模量621~2070MPa,悬臂梁缺口冲击强度53~580J/m,洛氏硬度R31~116。热变形温度45~94℃。







Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-171-15)

CAB-171-15 has the lowest butyryl content and the lowest degree of solubility in the Eastman™ cellulose ester family. Films prepared with this ester offer superior toughness and hardness when compared with films prepared from other mixed esters.

Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-171-15NF)

Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-171-15NF) can be used as coating material as the semi-permeable membrane for osmotic drug delivery.

Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-321-0.1)

Eastman CAB-321-0.1 is a cellulose ester with a low butyryl content (32.5%) and low molecular weight. Designed for use in automotive basecoats, it is resistant to attack and resistant to redisolve by solvents typical in clearcoats. It has a viscosity of 0.10 sec and 0.38 poise. It is supplied as a fine white powder.

Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-381-0.1)

Eastman CAB-381-0.1 is a cellulose ester with medium butyryl content and low viscosity. It was designed for use wher low application viscosities at relatively high solids levels are needed. Used wher lower viscosity for higher solids formulations and increased toughness with excellent surface hardness is desired. Used in automotive basecoats for metallic flake control. It is supplied as a dry, free-flowing powder.

Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-381-0.5)

CAB-381-0.5 is a cellulose ester with medium butyryl content and low viscosity. It was designed for use wher low application viscosities at relatively high solids levels is needed. It is supplied as a dry, free-flowing powder.

Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-381-2 BP)

CAB-381-2BP grade ester is a slight modification of the standard CAB-381-2 and has a lower viscosity. The BP grade was designed primarily to meet the needs of European formulators.

Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-381-2)

CAB-381-2 is a cellulose ester with high butyryl content and high ASTM(A) viscosity. It offers a combination of solubility and compatibility, moisture resistance, excellent surface hardness, and good film strength. It is supplied as a dry, free-flowing powder.

Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-381-20)

Eastman CAB-381-20 is a cellulose ester with high butyryl content, very high ASTM(A) viscosity, and great rheological modification. It offers a combination of solubility and compatibility, moisture resistance, excellent surface hardness, and good film strength. It is supplied as a dry, free-flowing powder. 

Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-500-5)

Eastman CAB-500-5 is a cellulose ester with high butyryl content, low hydroxyl content, and medium viscosity. It produces a relatively soft, flexible film requiring little or no plasticizer in many applications and offers a wide range of solubility and compatibility. Useful in leather coatings and as a flow control additive in polyurethanes. 

Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-531-1)

Eastman CAB-531-1 is a cellulose ester with a higher butyryl level than CAB-381 series esters, offering improved compatibility, but due to its flexibility, it requires lower plasticizer modification. When combined with thermoplastic acrylic resins, it produces tough, weather and mar resistant films.

Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-551-0.01)

Eastman Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-551-0.01) has many unique attributes that will serve useful across many different coating application areas. It has the lowest Tg (glass transition temperature) of the CAB portfolio.

Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-551-0.2)

Eastman CAB-551-0.2 is a cellulose ester with high butyryl content and relatively low molecular weight. Its good compatibility with various resin systems and its solubility in a wide variety of solvents make it useful as an additive in numerous coating compositions, including high-solids and thermoset coatings, and as a modifier for UV-curing systems.

Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-553-0.4)

Eastman CAB-553-0.4 is soluble in low molecular weight alcohols as well as other common organic solvents. It has alcohol solubility with excellent compatibility and pigment-wetting characteristics. High hydroxyl content allows a high level of crosslinking. It will produce colorless films with good ultraviolet stability and is supplied as dry, free-flowing powder, offering maximum formulating convenience and flexibility.

Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Butyrate CAB-381-20BP, 100%

Eastman CAB-381-20BP grade ester is a lower hydroxyl content version of the standard CAB-381-20 and has a lower viscosity. The BP grade was designed primarily to meet the needs of European formulators.

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